Moto Z Mod Wireless Charging Case

Moto Z mod

The Moto Z came out at September of 2016 featuring Moto Mods which adds various functionality to the device. After a couple of months, they’ve finally been able to add wireless charging to a Moto Z mod.

Moto Z mod

The currently available Moto Z mods are extended batteries, louder speakers, and many others. Now, Mike Paukert, from Omaha, United States, has brought to Indiegogo a Moto Z Mod that enables Qi wireless charging and an infrared sensor.

According to a statistic for the Moto Mods, only 10% of Moto Z users take full advantage of the technology. The rest of the 90% use a normal back case which does nothing. To help others find more functionality for their device, the wireless charging Moto Mod is currently being developed.

There is a wireless charging version and a wireless charging with infrared version. The Qi wireless charging version will start at $35, while the one with the added infrared sensor will be at $45. Check out their Indiegogo page to see the other perks and updates.


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