John Perzow Shares the Future of Wireless Charging


Android Authority was able to have a chat with Wireless Power Consortium’s Vice President of marketing development, John Perzow, about the future of wireless charging. After a few demos of how Qi works and sharing about the upgrades the wireless charging standard has had since the last time, Perzow shared what the vision of their company was. Qi wireless charging was seen to be just as common as Wi-Fi now.

Perzow shared that it’s already starting now with Google and Facebook adding wireless charging to the stations where their employees are at. Perzow envisions a phone that never dies since it will be continuously charged. Batteries can’t be overcharged anymore and batteries will be smaller. Batteries can be smaller since the phone will just be charging through the entire day. It will be charging while you’re sleeping, driving, working, and practically any public place you decide to stay at. These smaller batteries should then give more space for more new tech to be crammed into the phone.

He also shared about how the demand for wireless charging is increasing, and should continue to increase throughout the rest of the year. With so many different products available, the only problem people have is what wireless charger they should purchase. We shall see throughout the year as to what the future of wireless charging will be.

Do you have any thoughts as to what you think will happen to wireless charging in the next years to come? Comment below and share those ideas.


  1. Since google left qi out if this year’s device abd new modles seem to be lacking it, i wouldn’t dream of any bright future.
    I love it, but that’s just not enough it seems…


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